Friday, August 12, 2016

How To (Make Arrow Great Again)

   Okay this one is going to be a little rough, some people might take offense to this but I don't really care.  A brilliant show was skewered by several people who quite frankly need to be fired from their jobs for making a mockery of comic books and several characters need to die and others need to come back.  Here we go...

     1. FIRE MARC GUGGENHEIM AND WENDY MERICLE.  Marc Guggenheim has a horrible track record with movies and television shows including the Green Lantern movie, and Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters.  Wendy Mericle worked on the show Desperate Housewives.  With all the relationship drama on the show, it seems they are more interested in making a soap opera rather than a comic book show.

     2. KILL OFF FELICITY SMOAK.  Ugh, the biggest thorn in the side of the show is without a doubt Felicity, with her incessant whining and generally bringing the mood down.  Now don't get me wrong when she was a recurring character she was fine, but when they brought her in full time in season three she just got so annoying.

     3. BRING BACK LAUREL LANCE AND ROY HARPER.  Laurel Lance aka the Black Canary was killed off last year by Damien Dahrk on the show.  Which shows the writers have little respect for the source material, killing off Black Canary is like killing off Lois Lane or Catwoman, you just don't do it.  Now Nyssa Al Ghul said she destroyed The Pit, but there are other ways of bringing people back.  Roy Harper aka Arsenal is much easier to bring back as he just left the city, or he could get his own spinoff show as one of the Titans (see my earlier blog post Why We Need A Titans Show.)

     4.  CUT OUT SEVERAL CHARACTERS.  The show needs less people in masks, not more.  The show will be introducing Wild Dog and Vigilante this season for Oliver to train as vigilantes as sort of a Dark Knight Returns ending type thing, but the show is way to overcrowded.  Maybe show them in a few episodes but don't have them in every fight.  John Diggle and Thea can be cut way down also.

  As always thanks for reading and the next blog posts won't be so rough, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Just because MG and WM have failed at things in the past endeavors does not mean they have failed the dang show. Nothing is perfect and I don't wanna watch a show that I know every waking move.

    2. Maybe the Felicity character has been poorly in the last few seasons in many aspects but that doesn't mean you kill her! She does have her purpose.

    3. Roy Harper definitely needs to return, Thea never really filled the roll as Speedy. Laurel Lance... what can I say here. I know a lot of people were mad about this, want to blame all of this on the EPs, but fact is she was doomed from season 1. She never filled the role she was destined to take, the mantel she would bare. When you have an actress that couldn't play the part and being poorly written, it's hard to come back from that. The character greatly improved in late season 3 and in season 4. The thing people need to realize that she was journeying to become Black Canary, she succeeded in that, she saved her sister... her story was done. Bye, bye Birdie.

    4. I'll agree with this point, too many people in the cave, let's get back to basics.
